Wed. 16 November 2022

Saybus meets GPN at WTM London

Our teams are always on the move! November was a busy month. They met with partners and customers and discovered new places.

WTM London, the tourism hot spot

The World Travel Market (WTM) is a major international event for the tourism industry. Over four days, exhibitors from all over the world present destinations and tools to travel professionals. It’s the meeting point for the entire industry, which takes advantage of the event to exchange ideas, share experiences, and discover the latest industry news.

From November 7 to 9, 2022, more than 500 exhibitors and 30,000 visitors came together at London’s tourism show. This edition was a success. It attracted twice as many visitors as in 2021! These results show a high level of commitment and point to a promising future.

Saybus, a key player for WTM

The sales and marketing team shared a booth with the Global Passenger Network (GPN). GPN is a worldwide network that refers to one transport operator per country. SAYBUS has been the French member since 2019 and has since maintained fruitful commercial, strategic, and relational links with its members and partners.

After a two-year absence due to the health crisis, SAYBUS and GPN reunited with emotion. It was with emotional hugs that this big family was reunited. SAYBUS was delighted to welcome its customers and prospects to its stand, and the team would like to thank them for their interest. Business cards were in short supply this year!

SAYBUS à WTM London avec GPN

WTM London 2022 is over, so we’ll see you next year. It’s a promise! (with more business cards this time)!

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