Today, more than ever, we are committed to satisfying our customers while controlling the impact of our activities, promoting our CSR actions and prioritising our stakeholders. 🌱🤝
That’s why we’re committed to the Réunir RSE label!
🔎 What is the Réunir RSE label?
Created by Réunir to help SMEs in the Passenger Road Transport sector develop a more sustainable business that respects social and environmental issues, it is based on the ISO 26000 standard, which is built around 5 key areas:
➡️ 1 strategic and cross-functional area: Governance
➡️ 4 operational areas: Quality and Customer Satisfaction, Safety and Risk Prevention, Labour Relations and Working Conditions, and the Environment.
Recognised by the French government and AFNOR (L’Association Française de Normalisation), this label is a benchmark for corporate social responsibility!
🔎 Want to find out more? Visit the Réunir YouTube channel!